I AM IN HEAVEN!! We got to meet Sofia and her wonderful family today. They happened to be spending a few days at Disneyland and we happened to have to be nearby for Ella's Dr. appointment today. We went over and met up with them in Downtown Disney for a little bit. I have been in love with Sofia since I first found her on Reece's Rainbow. I was so excited when I found out that a family from California was adopting her because I just knew that somehow, someday I would be able to meet her. I sure didn't realize that that day would come so soon. The only problem is that now I want more!!! She is so darn cuddly and affectionate and loving and smart!! The Sanchez family is truly blessed to have her. We also got to meet her big brothers, Joaquin, Mateo and Diego. Joaquin is the same age as Ella and also has Ds. He is a walking maniac!! Between him wanting to take off walking and Ella doing her walk/crawl thing, I am surprised that we got any pictures of the kids together.
****Update...I forgot to mention that Ella still isn't quite ready to start her next round of chemo yet. Today her ANC was 644 so she still has a little way to go.
I just love this picture because it shows how much Ella liked Sofia. First of all, she is tolerating her sitting on her in the stroller and also she put her arm around her.....sigh!!
Me with the girls.
Moms and kids
All the kids.....sitting down together and ALMOST all looking
Ella getting a kick out of Joaquin turning on his charms.
What a great blessing!!!
All the kids look fantastic -- and Sophia is just beautiful!
What a fun way to spend the day :) - Well, I guess aside from the Dr. appt -- how did that go, BTW?
Awesome! I saw you on J.'s FaceBook post and thought, "I know HER!!" LOL! How great to get to meet the S. family! I follow their blog too. I love, love, love the pics of Ella and Sofia!! Such beautiful girls!
What an awesome experience. Sofia is so beautiful. and Joaquin is darling, just what I imagine Tomas to look like in a few years. Keep climbing Ella!
I'm so jealous!! Lucky girl! Tanner watched his Ella video and got his fix for the day!
OH MY GOODNESS! That is way too much cuteness!!
Oh my gosh!!I love these pictures and am so glad that you all could meet up,if only for a bit.Is Sofia not gorgeous,or what?
Hi Denise, here I am commenting at midnight again:) Are you up?? Love the photos of Ella- she is a social butterfly! I was just wondering- we are going on the Buddy Walk in San Diego Oct. 16th..are you by chance?
Oh Sofia is gorgeous, we fell in love with her watching her homecoming video! So glad you got to meet her & her super cute brothers.
Ella looks fantastic. I am so glad you are getting to enjoy life outside the hospital before her numbers get back up.
So so cute!!! Precious!
Little Miss Happy. So glad you all were able to meet,looks like a great time and what a nice looking bunch of kiddos :)
Soooo jealous! I want to meet all of you, and squeeze both of those precious girls!
What a great opportunity to meet Sofia and her family!! Ella looks like she enjoyed the visit so much!
Looks like it was a wonderful day! The pictures are all fantastic and that little Sofia is too cute for words. I've been following her journey to her forever home for a while now. Love that you got the meet that princess.
Good luck with the ANC. How nice to get to meet up with both of them. Looks like Ella was thrilled with the company.
Oh they look so cute together..
My full name is 'Pallavi Joshi'
And so happy to hear that we have our photo there on Ella's wall.. :)
Sweet photos. Jen and her kids are great. I especially love Sofia's soft skin and Joaquin's smile. Ella and Sofia look so cute together! I hope we can meet sometime, too!
Oh Denise! It was such a sweet get together...just wish I could have spent way more time with you and Ella. LOVE you both and thank you soooo much for thinking of Sofia with her little homecoming gift! The pictures are perfect! I hope we can meet up again VERY soon! HUGS!!!
I LOVE the picture where Ella has her arm around Sofia. Too cute!!
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