I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING!!! And I can't decide if that is good or bad. Does it mean that the results aren't urgent so they just haven't called yet? Or does it mean that the doctor wants to consult with others before calling me? I don't know. I just sent him another email so we will see if I hear back this time. I am trying my best to be patient!!
Anyway, Ella has become quite the stinker!! For anyone who knows me well, you would know that I am a picture freak and that my photos are VERY important to me. Well, I have all my photos from before the digital days filed in order by date and in photo boxes. For the last few years, I have had them stored on a book shelf on the bottom couple of shelves. I knew that I would eventually have to move them but haven't decided where else I can put them. Recently, Ella has pulled a box or two off of the shelf but I caught her before she opened them. I even put rubber bands around them so she couldn't open them. The other day, I heard her playing there but thought she was just looking at the little albums that sit on the bottom shelf and felt secure that she couldn't possibly have gotten into one of the photo boxes....Ha, Ha, Ha!!! When I walked about the corner, this is what I found!!!

I don't know if you can tell or not, but she totally has a little smirk on her face. She dumped the whole box, pictures and negatives all mixed up!! The more I said No! No! The more she laughed. What a stinker!! Then, the next day, I was throwing away junk mail etc in a paper sack and boy did she have fun emptying that out as well.

Here is Ella HOLDING a carrot. That's a step towards eating
right? She even touched it to her mouth a few times just to tease me!!

Does anyone remember Bob's Big Boy Restaurant? We just got a new one here in Temecula and the girls wanted to play with Bob!!

Emma getting her student of the week award from her teacher.
Way to go Emma!!

OH...and one last thing you won't believe. Last night we were out to dinner at Pat and Oscars and right in front of us in line was a little boy with Ds. I asked his mom if he had Ds and she said yes and then I said that Ella does too. He is 15 months old and lives only about 3 miles from us!!! Can you believe it? There are some little ones with Down syndrome around here afterall. I am looking forward to a playdate. He is younger than Ella but was actually a couple pounds bigger!!!