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Friday, September 11, 2009


Patriotic Day at school

Ella being Patriotic too!!

I will never forget where I was when the attack occurred. I was at work in the County Jail working in the Main Control room. Someone called and told us that something was going on and we watched from a TV that was in one of the holding cells across from us. We couldn't hear anything so had to rely on people telling us over the phone. At one point, I went upstairs to another guard station that had a TV in it and watched for a few minutes. Literally at the moment I started watching, the first tower fell.....I was in shock!!! I will never forget that day as long as I live!! Both of my older kids were born by this point so in both of their scrapbook albums, I did a page explaining exactly what occurred that day so that they would never forget either.


Mama Mason-Mann said...

I will NEVER forget it either.

Lacey said...

Oh I will never forget either. I was on maternity leave with Tanner, and I watched it all day long in tears. We bought all the newspapers and magazines for the kids when they get older.
So do they think Ella has luekemia or will they start chemo anyway? I agree that maybe its better to just get it over with, as bad as that sounds, its got to be hard living in limbo.

Stephanie said...

I'll never forget. It was Olivia's very first day of preschool. It was all happening at the same time she was to go. I didn't know what to do. But I'll tell you the most un-nerving part of it. We live near the airport, actually we're on the landing route.The incredible eerie silence when the planes were grounded, I'll never forget it,and the habit I've gotten into of whispering a "fly safe" as I hear them overhead ever since. I never thought I'd feel so happy to hear the planes overhead again.

mauimom said...

Yes, I will never forget too. I was in labor with my first baby!! I was nervous that he would be born on 9/11 but I held off until right after midnight.